The use of computers instead of the use of books is an another polemyc theme, because in Spain, Governement don't want this change. It's suposed to be a great change, because it's more convenient than the use of book.
The fact is: With Books we waste a lot of paper, then it isn't very ecological. the new offer in Spian is to change books for computers. Then, the penninsula wil be more ecological.
In one hand, Humans couldn't leave books, because it's and was very importants in our lifes. I think is easy to study by book, because you can underline word or another things. Books are tradicionaly knowed like a very cultural thing, only for clevers and gentilmans.In the other hand, computers have an easy use, it can be use by childrens to old people. It has a very comfortable use too, you can write faster than with a pen, also you can download or save pictures, videos, music, etc.. you can do an efficient use with a computer, you can send e-mails or works. In it, you can play games too.
In my opinion, Computer are more efficients than books, But Books are very interestings. If the governement would put computers in the Schools, High school and universities, Education would be better...
domingo, 13 de junio de 2010
The use of computers instead of the use of books
martes, 1 de junio de 2010
My experience in Germany
Well, I'am going to tell you my own story in a very different place; Germany. I stayed in Germany for one week, it was an awersome week. There, I met Ronas, my exchange-partner and a lot of of kind and great people. He's blond haired, and he is always wearing a hat. he also plays bass. He plays very well despite he began to play one year ago.
At the beggining of the travel, I didn't know who could be my partner, because Tim, my first partner, didn't want to be my partner. I don't know the cause, but the fact was this.
Well, I was looking for my next partner; then I chose Ronas because he loves music, like me, and more things that I also like.
The journey was long an tyring, because we needed to accustomate our body to the tifferent changes of hour, timetables, etc...
In Germany, people is very hard-working, and they depend on this quality to do a good work come in august. I think they come between the first and the second week.
I like to mention a great music band from germany, Die Ärtze. Son you can listen them here.