Social nets are the best communication center in twenty century. This issue has a lot of contraversy, because parents think that it has a lot of problems and bad influences in it.
On the one hand, Social nets are good for comunication with friends, family or e-mail partners. It also has a lot of advantages, for example: One day, you forget to bring to class the training clothes. And you can avoid this situation sending an e-mail to a class mate, Saying: "Remember to bring me the TC". Another advantage of social nets is the fact that you can meet new friends, Despite they aren't the best influence...
On the other hand, Social nets are dangerous for children or fool students, because sometimes they're absentminded or they found truble with a difficult solution.
For instance: Little children aren't aware and find a prototipe of "cool guys" in the net. So they use social nets to find them. Despite all the problems of that websites.
In my opinion, social nets are very difficult to control but so efficent. It depends on how use it, and if you're prepared to control it. A lot of teenagers think that it is a game, and they don't care if it is so dangerous to themselves.
I used wordreference such as Diccionary.
Also, I looked in Webpages like Forums and I readed in Websites to Understand better the thematic of "Social Nets"
jueves, 10 de diciembre de 2009
Social Nets
miércoles, 23 de septiembre de 2009
The Hobbit – J.R.R Tolkien
Bilbo's history beggins in "The Comarc", hobbits' home, where he lives calmly and without preocupations. until apear Gandalf in her house. he Jointu a dwarf group, They lider is Thorin oakshield, They try to recover Smaug's treasure.
Bilbo finds a magic ring. it makes when you put in, make you invisible.
After Dark - Haruki Murakami
I didn't read this book in OV Because is in Japanese. Anyway, This book is a police novel like Sherlock Holmes or Agatha Christie.
domingo, 20 de septiembre de 2009
Eurorevue 2009
This year the Europe Commitée was in Oude Pekela (Nederland), too far from Amsterdam and all the civilization T.T, althought that, the experience was legendary!! :)

viernes, 28 de agosto de 2009
Portugal, Like a film place ;)
In august of 2009 I was in a cool place, Lisboa 'nd all the near villages, like Sintra or Cascais. Before to be in portugal, We stayed at Zaragoza. After we cross the frontier Portugal-Spain and We were logded in a great house called "Casa dos bambus". Also We were in the nearest place of America at all the Iberian peninsula, "Cabo da roca". The house had two swimming pools: a conditionned pool and a normal pool.(At 12:00 p.m the conditionned pool is like a magnifying glass.)
martes, 3 de febrero de 2009
Present Perfect
The Present Perfect is a verbal tense if you use the auxiliar verb Have/Has (to have), the past participle of the verbs (Been, Done, Had, etc...) and the adverbs yet, already, just still etc...