miércoles, 23 de septiembre de 2009

The Hobbit – J.R.R Tolkien

Bilbo's history beggins in "The Comarc", hobbits' home, where he lives calmly and without preocupations. until apear Gandalf in her house. he Jointu a dwarf group, They lider is Thorin oakshield, They try to recover Smaug's treasure.
the group make a dangerous travel in all of the Middle Land, crossing the Elf village and the rocky cavities.

Bilbo thinks there is a long and a damn travel, soon it goes to change his life and goes to be the most famous hobbit in the Middle Land. in the travel, he discover a lot of bad trolls, giants, dangerous orcs, giants and possion spiders, wolfs, elfs and Smaug the fire dragon. The end of the travel.

Bilbo finds a magic ring. it makes when you put in, make you invisible.

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